The Crown Flag Prayer Strategy
There were five ministers from various backgrounds
meeting with some others at a special Bible study
every Monday and Friday evening. They just opened
the Scriptures and searched out the truth, and God
revealed and opened up astonishing revelation to
A powerful move of God graciously took place during
those times resulting in awesome encounters in the
Shekinah presence. At the end of what sometimes
would be a 2-3 hour study, they would begin to wait
on God.
“Often we would be
standing in honour and awe of His majestic Person
for periods that seemed to be timeless. It was as
though we had been summoned to appear at the counsel
of witnesses as spoken of in Hebrews 12. We had come
to Mount Zion, the City of the Living God, the
General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn.
It was in this holy
place that we saw the seats as if set out around the
chamber of the Kings court. Each seat was set apart
for those who were called, and it was required that
we appear before this great King to receive
instructions and give our progress reports each one.
It seemed our names were placed in front of our
seats, and it seemed that each time we met, if one
on us were absent, that there was a demand as to why
we had not appeared.
This is where we
were to receive our commission and charges. This is
where they return from the battle-field to report
their accomplishments, and hear the King's strategy
for the next advance.
It did not matter
in the least whether anyone else in the whole world
knew who we were or what our commission. We only
knew that this is where the mysteries of the work of
the Kingdom are truly carried out, for this Kingdom
cometh not with observation, but worketh mightily in
the realms of the Spirit. For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, for our warfare is with those
powers and principalities that cannot be fought with
intellect or muscle, but only in the power of the
Holy Spirit and in the Name of the God of Jacob.
Our names were not
important 'out there', for we serve this King of
kings, and we work without explanation and do what
we do because He bids us thus. Our answer is to Him
alone, and it is of no consequence what others may
think of our hopes and joys.
The King enters the
great chamber, and we rise to stand and give Him
honour and glory, wisdom and might, majesty and
We stand, our heads
bowed, the court now hushed to silence, our breath
taken away at the sheer honour of being permitted,
nay, I say, invited to this most reverent place. We
dare not move, in fact we wish not to move, but are
held rooted in godly fear and a dreadful desire to
just drink and drink of this glorious moment. And
time stands still. And we have no words to speak,
and even if we did, no words could ever express the
incomprehensible sight our eyes behold.
No wonder David
cried, “My soul LONGETH, yea, even fainteth for the
courts of the Lord.” (Ps. 84 v 2)”
It was in this hallowed place that God first gave
the vision of the church rising up across the world
with the Crown flag standard. This is where the flag
was revealed and birthed. This flag was all about
honour, and wherever His servants stand with this
banner they stand to give Jesus honour and praise.
They declare the excellency of our mighty warrior
The vision of the flag and its purpose was first
imparted and drawn out at the table where they sat
to study. One Friday night as they were waiting on
God, the vision was given to one of the ministers at
the table. And it was from this very place that they
would so often walk out to carry that royal standard
to some place where God's Spirit would direct them,
and then stand in the authority of the King and give
honour to Christ. Just standing with the flag was
sufficient to draw the smile of approval from
heaven, and bring fear to the camp of the enemy.
Wherever they stood with the flag it brought
immediate attention and curiosity. People seemed
drawn to the flag unexplainably. Vehicles would slow
down and stop with the drivers or passengers asking
what the flag was. Christians would run over to tell
them that they knew what this flag was about,
commenting on how awesome it was!
“We could not
explain the effect the flag was having apart from
the fact that God was the imparter of the vision for
it and He himself was honouring our raising of this
ensign for His glory. We thought very much about
that verse in Isaiah 62 v10, where the prophet says,
“Go through, go through the gates: prepare ye the
way of the people: …..lift up a standard (flag) for
the people.”
In fact, just a few
weeks later a senior pastor in Coventry was shown
the Crown Flag. He looked at it and said, “I have
already seen that.” This did not make any sense, as
the only people who knew about it were this small
group of ministers! On being asked how he could
possibly know anything about it he told us that just
three weeks earlier he had been in a minister's
conference waiting on God. During that anointed
session God had given him a vision of the church
rising across the world with a great banner! He said
that the Crown Flag was the flag that he had seen!”
With the flag came a number of scriptures which
became the Crown Flag Declaration. Wherever the flag
is raised these scriptures are spoken out.
It was also in this place where they met that God
imparted the plan to secure their town with the
authority of His kingdom.
“We were to place
certain scriptures (the Crown Flag Declaration,
sealed in a waterproof packet) around the base of a
6 feet long wooden stake and hammer these stakes
into the ground at the side of each road that enters
and exits the perimeter of the town.”
So early one Sunday morning around the time of the
sun arising, the five of them took 9 stakes, some
blue cord, and a huge sledgehammer, and buried those
stakes into the ground, leaving three feet of the
wood exposed. They then tied a three-fold blue nylon
cord to the top of the stake and stretched it back
away from the town anchoring it to the ground with a
smaller wooden stake. This to them symbolised the
stretching of a canopy over the town as in Isaiah 54
v 2, and 'lengthening our cords and strengthening
our stakes'. The three strand blue cord symbolised a
three-fold cord which 'cannot be easily broken'.
After doing each one they declared aloud the Crown
Flag Declaration at each place which they now call a
'Prayer Gate'.
Crown Flag Declaration
A sound of battle is in the land!
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at
hand. Repent, and believe the gospel.
All this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not
with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's,
and He will give you into our hands.
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up,
ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall
come in. Who is this king of glory? The Lord strong
and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up,
ye everlasting doors; and the king of Glory shall
come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of
hosts, He is the King of Glory.
This is the generation of them that seek Him, that
seek thy face, O Jacob. Open the gates that the
righteous nation, which keeps the truth, may enter
all the earth, as it is done in heaven.
They encircled the entire town and declared that the
Kingdom of God was at hand.
“Every day for the
next eighteen months each one of us would go to pray
at least once a day at our designated gates
Sometimes we would
as individuals or together, prayer-walk the whole
circumference of the map which we had marked out
with boundaries and key prayer points (see
This map we all
carried and used extensively. A visiting minister
from America who was overjoyed and amazed at seeing
the flag, asked us why this town?? We said we did
not know really, but just that this is where God had
placed us at that time.
We would target key
places for special prayer, and mark places where
teenagers gathered for extra prayer. We placed the
same Scriptures in the school grounds of seven
teaching establishments, and even took the word and
buried it in the cemetery where many kids would hang
out in the dark of night amongst the dead, drinking
and smoking because they had nothing better to do!
It was like sowing
the seed, the word of truth for the present
generation, and generations yet to come. Nothing we
did was done 'lightly', but everything was born and
nurtured in prayer.”
Over the period of eighteen months of praying round
the town, they saw crime reduced by 50% (government
statistics), drug dealers captured, no serious
accidents, nightclubs and drinking houses loose half
of their clientele, and the Gospel impact the entire
area with outstanding results.
They walked in the authority of the kingdom, and
began to realize something of who they were in
Christ, and why one day this world will see and
acknowledge the true sons of God, and the influence
they exerted whilst they walked this earth.
“I often looked at
the map and tried to make some shape of our boundary
line. The best I could imagine was that of a rather
awkward fish.
It was two years
later that I saw something quite remarkable. We were
about to visit India for the first time in our
lives. I happened to have a minister's conference
just a few days before in the UK, and whilst
preparing I thought it good to mention about the
prayer map.
I had on my desk a
print of the map of India, and just happened to turn
the prayer-map of this town sideways!
As you can see, the
remarkable likeness can not be mistaken, and even
where the Prayer Gates are positioned on our map,
they coincide with towns or cities in India.
We knew we were
praying in a much broader sense than to just the
little town we occupied, and knew that we were
standing in authority for something much more
We recently raised
the Crown Flag in India. Remarkable things are going
to happen in that nation of over 1 billion souls.”
This is just part of the ongoing story of the Crown
Flag. We keep hearing reports from around the world
of what is happening. |