The Problem With Traditional Church Structures and Hierarchies


“Mission”, I think, is “Anglican” for evangelism and church growth. Jesus told us to make disciples not to make converts – Matt 28:19 Why? Because conversion is the Lord’s job. Of course the church is involved, but not in the way it thinks it is! That’s the problem.

The structures and hierarchies of the church are political constructs and are populated in too many instances by those who don’t believe the bible is the inspired Word of God; or who do believe but think the restraints and constraints of scripture do not apply to us and that man is free to superimpose his cultural norms upon it; and by those who may or may not be believers but in any event are not prepared to call evil evil and instead make mealy mouthed accommodation.

The churches job is to preach the gospel. This requires firm leadership from the top, Pauline type leadership I would hazard. Leadership by example not through structures. I speak as a retired British army officer. The gospel is the tool God has given us, for it is the power of God unto salvation. Nothing, absolutely nothing else, will result in the conversion of men. The church mission must be to preach the gospel as revealed by Paul in Romans (and elsewhere!), to preach it and preach it and then preach it again. This and only this is the vehicle God uses to change hearts and it must be the primary focus of the church. Social programmes have their place but they must never be allowed to usurp the main focus.

“... I will build my church” says Jesus (Matt 16:18). So strong is this structure that He goes on to tell us the gates of hades will not prevail against it. So why is the church so limp and devoid of impact? Because it has failed to learn from the early church the way to fulfil its role.

Acts 2:46 “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

Notice the effectiveness of this. We simply cannot improve upon it. They were in one accord, or to put it another way, they agreed on the revealed truth of the gospel. And they preached it. And the Lord added to their number daily. God did it, not the church programmes. It is a sovereign work of Almighty God who will grow His church. Can anyone offer a good reason why the Lord would send people along to most of our churches today? I can’t think of one.

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